πŸš€ Exciting Day 1 of My AWS DevOps Engineer Professional Journey! πŸš€

πŸš€ Exciting Day 1 of My AWS DevOps Engineer Professional Journey! πŸš€


4 min read

Thrilled to share that today marks my Day 1 in the incredible journey towards becoming an AWS DevOps Engineer Professional. πŸŒπŸ’» This adventure has been nothing short of amazing, and I'm excited to keep you all in the loop on my progress.

πŸ“š Course Update: Embarked on this journey with an outstanding Udemy course led by the seasoned instructor StΓ©phane Maarek. The insights and hands-on experience gained have set the stage for what promises to be an enlightening and fulfilling learning experience.

πŸ’‘ Today's Learnings: As a beginner in this space, Day 1 was packed with foundational concepts and practical experiences.

πŸ”— Concept of CI/CD:

  • Explored the significance of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) in the DevOps lifecycle.

πŸ› οΈ Overview Of AWS CodeCommit:

  • Dived into AWS CodeCommit, understanding its role as a fully managed source control service for secure and scalable Git repositories.

πŸ–οΈ Hands-on in CodeCommit:

  • Applied version control principles through hands-on exercises, getting a feel for collaborative coding.

πŸš€ Advanced CodeCommit Concepts:

  • Delved into advanced features, realizing the power of robust version control practices.
  1. Concept of CI/CD:

    • Continuous Integration (CI): Explored the practice of regularly integrating code changes into a shared repository. This promotes early detection of integration issues, ensuring a more stable codebase.

    • Continuous Deployment (CD): Understood the concept of automating the deployment process to rapidly and reliably deliver software changes to production.

  2. AWS CodeCommit:

    • Managed Source Control: AWS CodeCommit serves as a secure and scalable Git repository hosting service. It eliminates the need for managing infrastructure, allowing teams to focus on coding.

    • Collaboration Features: Explored collaboration features within CodeCommit, such as pull requests, branch management, and access control, fostering effective teamwork.

  3. Hands-on in CodeCommit:

    • Version Control Practice: Engaged in hands-on exercises to practice version control, commit changes, and understand the collaboration workflow within a team setting.

    • Repository Management: Explored repository creation, branching, and merging, gaining practical experience in maintaining a clean and organized codebase.

  4. Advanced CodeCommit Concepts:

    • Branch Policies: Explored advanced features like branch policies, ensuring code quality through automated checks before changes are merged into critical branches.

    • Triggers and Hooks: Delved into triggers and hooks for events like commits and push requests, automating workflows and enhancing overall efficiency.

🚧 Overview of AWS CodePipeline:

  • Explored AWS CodePipeline, a key player in automating the deployment pipeline.

πŸ”§ Hands-on in CodePipeline:

  • Got hands-on with CodePipeline, witnessing the magic of automation in action.

πŸ”— Integrating CloudFormation into CodePipeline:

  • Unpacked the seamless integration of AWS CloudFormation into CodePipeline, understanding its benefits.

🌟 Benefits of Integration:

  • Realized the advantages of integrating CloudFormation into CodePipeline – a game-changer for scalable and repeatable deployments.

πŸš€ Advanced CodePipeline Concepts:

  • Wrapped up Day 1 by diving into advanced CodePipeline concepts, setting the stage for a deeper understanding.
  1. AWS CodePipeline:

    • Continuous Delivery Service: Understood the role of AWS CodePipeline in automating the build, test, and deployment phases of the release process.

    • Pipeline Structure: Explored the structure of CodePipeline, including stages, actions, and transitions, to create a streamlined deployment workflow.

  2. Hands-on in CodePipeline:

    • Pipeline Configuration: Engaged in hands-on activities to configure pipelines, linking various stages to automate the flow from code changes to production deployment.

    • Artifact Management: Learned about artifact management within CodePipeline, ensuring the reliable storage and retrieval of build artifacts.

  3. Integrating CloudFormation into CodePipeline:

    • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Explored the concept of treating infrastructure as code using AWS CloudFormation, allowing for the automated provisioning and management of AWS resources.

    • Integration Benefits: Examined the benefits of integrating CloudFormation into CodePipeline, including repeatability, consistency, and scalability in infrastructure management.

  4. Advanced CodePipeline Concepts:

    • Custom Actions: Delved into the creation of custom actions within CodePipeline, extending its capabilities to suit specific deployment needs.

    • Pipeline Orchestration: Explored advanced orchestration features, ensuring a flexible and adaptive deployment pipeline.

I'm ecstatic about the journey ahead and can't wait to share more insights as I progress. If you're on a similar journey or have tips to share, let's connect and learn together! πŸš€πŸŒπŸ’‘